Will the third Corona vaccination be necessary for all people?

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As of October 17, booster vaccinations against the corona virus will begin.
Whether and when this will actually be necessary for all healthy people, however, cannot yet be conclusively assessed based on the current study situation, according to the Ministry of Health. “The National Vaccination Committee is constantly monitoring developments here,” it is stressed to the APA.

Currently, it is particularly important that people who have not yet been vaccinated are immunized and that as many as possible complete their vaccination protection in order to protect themselves in the best possible way against Delta.

Use of cross-vaccination still being clarified
In any case, when it comes to booster vaccinations, the plan is to start with residents in nursing homes and high-risk groups. Details such as the use of cross-vaccination, intervals and target groups are still to be clarified based on recommendations from the National Immunization Panel (NIG).
The NIG will specify, for example, the time window in which the third vaccination should ideally take place. The same applies to the definition of those groups that need a booster at all. From today’s point of view, it is assumed that after a complete vaccination series – that is, apart from single-use vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, two stings – a protective effect is given for about nine months. Accordingly, the booster vaccination also starts with those vulnerable groups that were the first to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in Austria.

After third vaccination similar reaction as after second vaccine
Whether there should be guidelines or recommendations to rely on cross-vaccination for the third sting and thus a different vaccine than for the first two stings is also not yet fixed. What is certain is that the European Union will increasingly rely on mRNA vaccines for procurement starting in the fall. “A concrete vaccination recommendation for the 3rd vaccination of the general population will be made at a given time on the part of the National Vaccination Board,” the ministry says. It is assumed that further data on the vaccines will be available by then in order to regularly re-evaluate the currently valid recommendations and assumptions and to adjust them if necessary, for example because of new virus variants.

. source: k.at/picture: pixabay.com

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