According to “Wien Heute”, the Austria-wide climate ticket will also be implemented for the eastern region. Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) had announced the launch of the ticket for October 26, but without Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland.
Starting signal for climatic ticket falls without Vienna
The launch for the Austria-wide climate ticket had been announced by Transport and Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) in mid-August for October 26, the national holiday – although Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland were not on board at the time of the presentation. Now, however, talks with the eastern region are in their final stages, “Wien heute” reported.
Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland close to agreement with the federal government
Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland are close to an agreement with the federal government, it said. “We are in very good and constructive talks with the eastern region,” Gewessler said in the ORF report. “I dare to say we are turning the final corner.”
- source. screenshot, wienheute
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