Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has provided his traditional televised address on National Day with an urgent appeal. Referring to the climate crisis, the president said: “I could now tell you about everything that is happening, about forest fires, hurricanes and floods, about the rise of the seas, about the extinction of entire animal species. I’ll spare you that now.”
Everyone and anyone knows this, Van der Bellen says: “We all know what’s going on. Some of them will perhaps say: The old man should give it a rest, I can’t hear it anymore. But I can’t give you that pleasure: I will not give a rest.”
Mankind has made it to the “pinnacle of evolution,” he said: “We haven’t come this far to now throw it all away again within a few generations.” He said he wanted children to still be able to feel and learn what it means to walk barefoot across a meadow, to let the fresh snow melt on their tongues, to experience the sun as a benefit and not as a threat: “I will not rest until I am sure that our children are taken care of. That the planet we are handing over will be handed over in order,” the president promised.
- source: kurier.at/picture: screenshot, orf.at
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