The island nation of Tonga in the South Pacific has imposed a one-week lockdown as a result of the first recorded infection with the corona virus. Residents of Tongatapu Island, which includes the capital Nuku’alofa, should stay home until next Tuesday, government leader Pohiva Tuionetoa said Monday night. This serves, “the safety and health of our people.”
On Thursday, a passenger aboard a repatriation flight from the New Zealand city of Christchurch had tested positive for the virus. When the result was announced, the 215 people aboard the plane were still in quarantine. Still, the news triggered a rush to the country’s vaccination centers.
The Pacific kingdom, about 1800 kilometers northeast of New Zealand, with a population of about 106,000, was one of the few countries that had so far been spared the coronavirus. Interest in vaccination had therefore been rather low.
- source:, Vince Russell (@russmail) | Unsplash Photo Community
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