As of yesterday, 1,329,286 Viennese had received their first vaccination and 1,239,645 had also received their second vaccination.
Due to the delta variant, a third vaccine against Corona is now necessary. 54,824 Viennese have already taken the third stich and can now consider themselves to be Corona-immunized. So it’s time to roll up our sleeves, because the number of cases is rising and the hospitals are filling up. Sonja Vicht from the Vienna Health Service has the answers to the most pressing questions:
Every person, even at no particular risk. The third vaccination is part of basic immunization and is also explicitly recommended by the National Immunization Panel (NIG).
Registration in Vienna is possible online at and at the hotline 1450. There you can also find out when and where you can be vaccinated (note: the choice of vaccine varies according to vaccination center).
There are no explicit recommendations, but an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or BioNTech) is clearly preferable. Which of the two, is up to you. If one needs a consultation with a doctor beforehand, a pure consultation appointment via is now also possible (note: experts advise cross-vaccination: those who have had Pfizer so far should reach for Moderna – and vice versa).
These depend on the individual constitution of the immune system and the vaccine. There is no rule of thumb.
Here it varies depending on the time of the disease. Scenario 1: From 28 days after recovery the first partial vaccination and six months later the second partial vaccination. Scenario 2: If the illness was more than 180 days ago, both partial vaccinations (1st and 2nd dose) and after six months the 3rd dose are necessary.
Then you should get the second vaccination with an mRNA vaccine as soon as possible after 28 days.
This is dependent on the immune system and medically not yet completely clarified. The vaccination certificate is currently valid for twelve months after the third dose.
This is possible, and is also expressly recommended by the NIG. The final decision rests with the physician.
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