Yesterday, this year’s highest number of new cases within 24 hours was reached with just over 6,500 new infections. From Wednesday to Thursday, yesterday’s high was again clearly exceeded with 8,594 new Corona infections registered. (Note: An initial report stated 8,183 new infections. A correction has now been made to the positive test results, bringing the number of new infections to 8,594).
This is well above the average of 6,037 reported over the past seven days. By comparison, 4,248 new infections were reported a week ago. The last time there were more new cases than current was Nov. 13 of last year, when there were 9,586. The seven-day incidence is currently 474.74.
There are also 19 new deaths related to Covid 19 infection to report, bringing the pandemic death toll in Austria to 11,419 so far. The number of active cases rises to 57,326.
In the past 24 hours, 287,015 PCR tests have been performed, with a positive rate of 2.85 percent.
Hospitals are treating 1,826 patients, up 74 from the previous day. There are 352 patients in intensive care units, an increase of 19 in one day.
The utilization of normal and intensive care units is becoming increasingly precarious: “We will soon have our backs to the wall,” warned Günther Weiss, Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine in Innsbruck, for example.
Uniform measures throughout Austria
The federal states are reacting to the rising numbers largely with tightening measures. Today, for example, Vienna and Upper Austria are discussing stricter rules. This patchwork of measures across Austria is on the agenda for Friday’s planned consultations between the federal government and the states. One will discuss with the countries on Friday the further procedure, said health minister Wolfgang Mückstein on Wednesday before the council of ministers. Unifications are thereby “surely” a topic.
A few weeks ago, a clear and transparent step-by-step plan with corona measures was presented, said Mückstein when asked about the different regulations in the states.
On Tuesday, the threshold of 300 occupied intensive care beds was reached, which is why stage two of the tightening will come into force next Monday. However, the minister confirmed that the 400 intensive care beds are expected to be exceeded on Monday, which would mean that stage three would come into effect immediately.
Current figures from the federal states
Burgenland: 172
Carinthia: 402
Lower Austria: 1,518
Upper Austria: 2,317
Salzburg: 702
Styria: 1,101
Tyrol: 586
Vorarlberg: 343
Vienna: 1,453
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