Today, the first Austrians immunized with the Janssen vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), originally intended as a one-time vaccine, will receive mail with a reminder to get a booster.
The mailing of the letters should be completed by the end of the week, the Health Ministry said. “All those who have been vaccinated with Janssen need a second vaccination dose,” emphasized Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens).
“I appeal to everyone to follow the recommendations of the National Vaccination Panel. Get vaccinated now! Maintain your vaccination protection and get your further vaccination dose, according to the recommendations. This is the only way to protect yourself from severe Covid 19 disease, intensive medical treatment and long-term consequences,” Mückstein said.
Request to promote vaccination in personal environment
The letter to households with affected vaccinees states, “As early as 28 days after your initial vaccination with Janssen Covid 19 vaccine, you should pick up your second dose. Make an appointment today.” In addition, Mueckstein recommends in the three-page letter, “Tell others about your vaccination experience to help ease their fears.” To that end, there are recommendations for Internet sites that educate about “fake news.”
Reminders also are being prepared about the third dose for people vaccinated with other vaccines. According to the Ministry of Health, the mailing will begin next week.
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