The vaccination panel has updated its recommendations: Booster is available for everyone 18 and older – four months after last dose. Decision on childhood vaccinations in the EU today.
The National Immunization Panel NIG now officially makes boosters available to everyone 18 and older, including those who have recovered – four months after the last dose.
Here is an overview:
▶ The general recommendation now: “The 3rd vaccination can be given starting at 4 months and should be given starting 6 months after the 2nd vaccination.”
▶ In any case, the booster is advised four months after the last dose if one first received vector vaccines such as Vaxzevria from AstraZeneca.
▶ In principle, mRNA vaccines (Comirnaty from BioNTech/Pfizer and Spikevax from Moderna) should be used for the third vaccination. The same vaccine should be preferred “as for previous immunizations”.
▶ Moderna’s vaccine (Spikevax) is to be used only for persons 30 years of age and older. The reason is international safety reports, according to which myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium) can occur rarely, but nevertheless – predominantly precisely in younger persons. Therefore, people under 30 should be refreshed with BioNTech/Pfizer – but Moderna can also continue to be used if expressly requested.
▶ Those who have received Ad26.COV2-S from Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) should get a booster dose with an mRNA vaccine (BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna) after four weeks. The third sting should then be given four to six months later. Unless the second sting was also done with Janssen, then the third sting should happen after four months. In any case, as of January 3, Janssen vaccinated persons must refresh themselves in order for their Green Passport to remain valid: The vaccination certificate of a one-time Janssen vaccination is then no longer valid.
▶In any case, those who have recovered must go for the first vaccination 180 days after recovery for the validity of the Green Passport: After an infection (proven by PCR test) without previous vaccination, one should have the first vaccination about four weeks after recovery. With this, one is considered to have been vaccinated twice – for the green passport, the certificate is then valid for 360 days, or only for 270 days after December 6. The NIG recommends a second dose six months after the first and another, or third, dose after six to nine months after the second sting.
▶ If an affected person has picked up not one but two vaccinations in close temporal proximity to each other after recovery (for example, because one needed them for international travel), then the recommendation to receive a third dose six to nine months after this second vaccination also applies.
▶ In the case of infection between the first and second vaccinations, the NIG recommends that the second vaccination also be given four weeks after recovery. Those who do not do this are only considered recovered for the Green Passport and must in any case receive another vaccination after 180 days in order to be able to continue using the certificate. For this group of people, in any case, the recommendation of the National Vaccination Panel is to then pick up the third dose six to nine months after the second sting.
The group of those who really cannot be vaccinated is small: This includes, for example, those who are allergic to an ingredient or have reacted to it after the first sting. Please check individually!
The recommendation can be found at
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