In light of high Corona case numbers in Europe and the new virus variant Omikron, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has issued an urgent call to vaccinate. “The most important thing now is to continue to bring vaccination rates up in Europe as quickly as possible. And in all age groups, children included,” the German politician said Wednesday at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, APA reports.
“The price we all pay in the meantime for too low vaccination rates is, after all, getting higher and higher.” That applies, for example, to people in the healthcare system and to the economy. But it also applies, he said, to elders who once again can’t see their grandchildren at Christmas, and to children who once again can’t go to school. “My God, what is that life time, friend time, learning time that we are taking away from them because of this. That means we owe it to all of them to get vaccinated.”
With the high number of cases – primarily because of the Delta variant – and the new Omicron variant, she said, they face a double challenge. Against Omicron, he said, triple vaccination is the best protection available. Especially in Africa, the vaccination rate is still too low. That is why a special aid package is being prepared for the continent.
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