Pope laments corona vaccine shortage in poorer countries

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Pope Francis has lamented the lack of vaccines in poorer countries. “There is still much to be done and in some countries adequate treatment remains a luxury. This can be seen, for example, in the scarcity of vaccines against covid-19 in the poorest countries, but even more so in the inability to treat diseases that require much simpler medicines,” the pope said in his message for the 30th World Day of the Sick.

“We bless the Lord for the advances that medical science has made, especially in recent times; new technologies have made it possible to find therapeutic avenues that are of great benefit to the sick. Research continues to make its valuable contribution to the fight against old and new diseases; rehabilitation medicine has greatly developed its knowledge and skills,” Francis added.

“All this, however, must never make us forget the uniqueness of each sick person, with his or her dignity and fragility. The sick person is always more important than his illness,” the pontiff stressed. Therefore, any therapeutic approach should not refrain from listening to the patient, his story, his worries and fears. “Even if it is not possible to heal, it is always possible to comfort. It is always possible to make people feel a closeness,” the Pope said.

“When man experiences frailty and suffering in his own body through illness, his heart also becomes heavier, anxiety grows, questions multiply, the question of the meaning for everything that happens becomes more urgent. In this context, how could we not think of the many sick people who, in this time of pandemic, have spent the last stretch of their lives in the solitude of an intensive care unit, cared for by generous medical staff, but far from their loved ones and the most important people in their earthly lives?” the Pope asked.

  • source: k.at/picture: instagram #franciscus

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