A total of 6,635,916 people have received at least one Corona vaccination, and 6,294,074 (70.5 percent) have valid vaccination protection, according to E-vaccination data. Yesterday, 5,238 first-time vaccinations (10.2 percent) were recorded, more than the seven-day average of 2,982. A total of 20,874 first-time vaccinations were given within the past seven days. Second stabs were given 14,582 times, also above the seven-day average (10,097). A total of 70,680 second stings were administered in seven days. At 31,532, third stitches (61.4 percent) again accounted for the very largest share. They were well above the seven-day average of 16,569; a total of 115,983 “boosters” were placed within the past week.
Among those aged 12 to 24, 67 percent have a valid vaccination certificate; in the 25 to 34 age group, the rate is 70.6 percent; and among those aged 35 to 44, the rate is 74.3 percent. 76.6 percent of those ages 45 to 54 have verifiable protection against Covid-19 with a certificate, and 83.9 percent in the 55 to 64 group. Those ages 65 to 74 have a rate of 87.4 percent, those ages 75 to 84 have a rate of 89.9 percent, and the 85-plus group has a rate of 84.3 percent. For children eleven and under, 7.7 percent is reported.
The protection rate (valid vaccination certificate) is highest in Burgenland, at 76 percent. In Lower Austria, 72.5 percent have valid vaccination protection, in Styria 70.6 percent. After Vienna (69.4), Tyrol (69.2), Salzburg (67.4), Vorarlberg (67.4) and Carinthia (67.2), Upper Austria brings up the rear with 66.2 percent.
In the past 24 hours, 517,073 PCR and antigen rapid tests were reported. Of these, 396,502 were meaningful PCR tests. All told, we now stand at 161,364,583 Corona tests performed. The positive rate of PCR tests was 2.2 percent. This 24-hour figure is above last week’s average; on average, 1.5 percent of PCR tests were positive.
- source: kleinezeitung.at/picture:pixabay.com
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