Current COVID 19 rules in Austria

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Unvaccinated are back in the lockdown. After New Year’s Day, this means that the restrictions on exit regulations for shopping, work and leisure imposed with the December lockdown will once again apply to everyone who cannot provide 2-G proof.

However, the last crisis summit of the federal government with representatives of the federal states and experts of the Gecko Commission on Epiphany also brought new measures:

  • Since January 11, FFP2 masks have been mandatory outdoors if the distance falls below two meters.
  • Also since 11 January, there have been compulsory 2-G checks in shops.
  • The validity of the Green Passport will be reduced to six months, effective February 1 – for all those who have been doubly vaccinated up to now. For triple vaccinated the validity remains at nine months.
  • The quarantine for contact persons has already been shortened since January 8. In the future, a uniform period of isolation of ten days will apply to those tested positive; after five days, they can be cleared using a PCR test.
    In the case of contact persons, there is no longer any differentiation according to contact category; here, too, free testing is possible after five days.
  • In the future, triple-immunized persons will no longer be considered contact persons, even if they come into contact with an infected person. This also applies to doubly vaccinated children who are not yet able to boost themselves (in the case of 5- to 11-year-olds). Even if everyone involved has worn an FFP2 mask, you are no longer classified as a contact person.
  • Contact persons in the critical infrastructure can still go to work with a valid PCR test (antigen test if necessary) and FFP2 mask.

These “old” rules still apply:

  • No “G”, but mask obligation – In all those (closed) areas for which no 2-G proof is required, masks are still mandatory. This applies, for example, to supermarkets, public transportation, pharmacies, gas stations, or even the workplace if contact with customers or colleagues cannot be ruled out. Children under the age of six do not need a mask. For 6- to 14-year-olds and pregnant women, a mouth-nose protection is sufficient, otherwise FFP2 is mandatory (except in medically justified exceptions).
  • 2-G certificate required – For hotels, restaurants, body-related service providers or recreational facilities, nothing has changed. To eat out or splash around in a spa, you must be vaccinated or recovered. Closing time is 10 p.m.
  • Events – The person limits still exist. The rules apply indoors as well as outdoors, and masks are required in all areas. With no fixed seating, a maximum of 25 guests are allowed, 2-G applies. This also applies to private parties. With assigned seating: 2-G applies up to 500 people, 2-G plus PCR testing applies from 501 to 1,000, then 2-G (but triple vaccinated) plus PCR testing applies up to a maximum of 2,000 people.
  • Private meetings – Between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. gatherings, private meetings of up to ten vaccinated or recovered persons are allowed-with no distinction between adults and children. However: in private, official control is almost impossible.
  • Entry – 2-G plus PCR test applies, otherwise you have to go into quarantine. If you have already had three doses of vaccine, you do not have to take the test.

Entry from virus variant areas
Shortly after Christmas, stricter entry regulations also came into force for certain countries: the United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands were declared virus variant areas with effect from December 25, which means that a quarantine of ten days is mandatory. However, triple vaccinated individuals with a valid PCR test are exempt.

Schools remain open
Schools and kindergartens remain open. However, the following rules must be observed in the event of a positive case:

3-G in the workplace
Since November 15, a 3-G rule has been mandatory in the workplace for both employers and employees: only those who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested may start their job. Exceptions apply to employees who have a maximum of two physical contacts outdoors for up to 15 minutes per day. There is also no requirement for 3G detection in the home office.

PCR tests and also antigen tests are considered to be tests, but their collection must not have taken place more than 24 hours ago. In exceptional cases, a rapid test is also sufficient if the person concerned has tried in vain to take a PCR test.

Incidentally, anyone who has been tested against Corona but not vaccinated or recovered will still be able to go to work after the introduction of mandatory vaccination.

In principle, in addition to 3G detection, a mask must be worn when entering workplaces, unless physical contact with other persons is excluded at the work location or the risk of infection is minimized by other suitable protective measures (e.g. partitions).

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