In Austria, 15,000 people are currently infected with the Omicron variant – a record figure. However, the increase is weaker than feared. Hospitals are noticing only a small increase in patients. Experts see this as a success of the CoV measures, though this is not yet the final conclusion.
In past experience of the coronavirus pandemic, increases in infection with a two-week delay have always led to increases in hospital occupancy. After 20 days of Omicron wave in Salzburg, record infection numbers are showing, but the number of those needing hospitalization for CoV infection has increased only slightly.
Not a single Omikron intensive care patient
Specifically, the number of occupied beds in the normal ward has increased from about 40 to just under 50 beds. In the intensive care unit, there has not yet been a single omicron patient. The Salzburg state statistician, Gernot Filip, expects the numbers to increase in the coming days, but from today’s perspective the critical limit in the intensive care units will probably not be reached. Nevertheless, it is clearly too early to sound the all-clear.
Many young people infected so far, less danger for them
So far, it is mainly the young who have been affected by infections with the omicron variant of the coronavirus. In concrete terms, the incidence among 15 to 24-year-olds is currently around 3,900, while it is around six times lower among the over-60s, at 650. One thing the statistics also show is that about half of those infected with Omicron are unvaccinated, 30 percent had their first or second bite and 20 percent had already had their third vaccination.
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