With 29,324 Corona new infections within 24 hours, the highest Sunday value since the outbreak of the pandemic two years ago has been measured in Austria due to the highly contagious variant Omicron. A week ago, the number was 27,127, and the week before that, 22,453 cases. A new record was also set for active cases. Currently, 348,884 people are laboring from infection, up by 5,551 from the previous day.
According to figures from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, the number of new infections of over 29,000 was below the average of 32,680 cases over the previous seven days. The seven-day incidence increased slightly to 2,560.9 cases per 100,000 population. The Covid forecasting consortium believed that the expiring week marked the preliminary peak in the Omikron wave. However, the Omicron subtype BA.2, which is currently spreading in Austria, is still a factor of uncertainty. However, if the number of new infections declines soon and this trend continues, the nationwide crisis coordination Gecko has recommended “embedding Covid-19 into the classical influenza surveillance structures” starting in the fall. However, Gecko called for flexible frameworks from the legislative side “that allow for rapid response to emerging changes without administrative hurdles.”
That’s because reports on the situation in hospitals – including internationally – are heterogeneous, according to Gecko. “While in many places the situation is reported to be easing, in other states it is tense, partly due to increasing staff shortages,” the crisis coordinator reported. This is also evident in Austria. The number of Corona patients currently continues to increase. According to ministry figures, 1,896 people are currently hospitalized with an infection, which is 13 more than the previous day. 201 people need intensive care. There, too, there has been an increase of three since Saturday and 24 patients within a week.
There have been 18 deaths since Saturday, compared to a seven-day average of 20.1 daily, with 141 deaths recorded over the past seven days. Overall, the Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 14,232 lives in Austria since the outbreak.
- source: kleinezeitung.at/picture:pixabay.com
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