Association of Filipina in Austria joined the 30th Anniversary of the Women’s Federation for World Peace International

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The Association of Filipina in Austria – VFÖ (a recognized member of Babaylan, Europe) – with Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWP), Austria Women Leaders and friends joined the WFWPI 30th Pearl Anniversary Celebration via zoom live held in Korea. The Watch Party was held at the Federation’s Headquarters at Seidengasse 28, Vienna, last Saturday, May 7, 2022.

Joining the  Zoom Event from the Philippines were Mrs. Almera Grace Mayo, President of WFWP Philippine, and  Ms. Christine Rose Bulayo from WFWP – Bohol, Philippines. Ms. Merly Barlaan served as moderator of the event.

The traditional symbol for the 30th Anniversary is the pearl, a symbol of beauty cultivated over time; the unity and love represented by 30 years shows commitment, patience, compromise & wisdom. Members and friends around the world attended it. The program consisted of the official celebration, the friendly awards, and the appreciation event with the important announcements. 

On behalf of the Association of Filipina in Austria (VFÖ),  the following WFWP- Austria Women leaders were recipients of a Certificate of Appreciation: 

1. Director WFWP UN Vienna Office & Chair, NGO Committee on Peace – Dr. Maria Riehl 

2. WFWP – Austria  President – Ms. Renate Amesbauer

3. WFWP UN Vienna Office, Secretary – Ms. Irmgard Mäntler

We are very grateful and honored to be in partnership working together. Thank you very much! 

What is the Women’s Federation for World Peace International

The WFWP is a Women’s organization that promotes women as an essential ingredient in creating a peaceful global society. WFWPI was founded in 1992 in the Republic of Korea and quickly expanded to over 100 countries. Five years later, WFWPI was granted General Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the UN.

Vision: Women working together to realize one global family rooted in a culture of sustainable peace.

Mission: Empowering women as peacebuilders and leaders in the family to transform the community, nation, and world. Through education, advocacy, partnership, reconciliation, and humanitarian service, WFWPI aims to create an environment of peace and well-being for future generations and people of all races, cultures, and religious creeds. 

WFWP members have organized activities in 119 countries to transform this world into a world of peace.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon,  the Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) founder, has dedicated her life to peace.

  • text/information/pictures provided by Ms. Merle Blaschke
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