- Masks are mandatory only in health care settings as of June 1. No more Corona tests in schools.
- The FFP2 mask requirement will be paused from June 1 in supermarkets and public transport.
- However, mandatory masks will continue to apply in the health sector.
The Minister of Health expects that mandatory masks will be required again starting in the fall.
- In addition, PCR tests will no longer take place at schools from June 1.
- Mandatory vaccination remains suspended.
- Call for Corona vaccination to follow in September.
The Federal government announced far-reaching relaxation of the Corona measures on Tuesday. At a joint press conference, Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) and Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) commented, for example, on the mask requirement. As of June 1, this will only apply in the health sector. In addition, PCR tests will no longer be carried out at schools as of June 1.
Mask paused, but to return
Rauch said the trend in the pandemic is encouraging, commenting on the drop in infection and hospital numbers. “Now the pandemic is giving us some breathing space.” Therefore, he said, it is justifiable to “make new rules” regarding mandatory masks. Rauch: “We will pause the mask obligation in vital trade and public transport. I emphasize a pause.” In the health sector, the FFP2 requirement will remain in place. This regulation will be in effect again for three months starting June 1. A permanent abolition of the mask obligation does not turn out. The minister also clarified: “The mask will come again.”
- source: kurier.at/picture: pixabay.com
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