In Austria, 4,271 new Corona infections were registered within 24 hours on Friday (as of 9:30 a.m.).
This is above the average for the past seven days (3,172). According to Interior and Health Ministry figures, last Friday’s figure of 3,211 new infections was also exceeded by more than 1,000 new cases. The seven-day incidence was 247.3 cases per 100,000 population.
As of Friday, there were thus 41,550 active cases in Austria, up 1,838 from the previous day. Two thousand four hundred thirty people were considered recovered within the past 24 hours.
Three Corona-related deaths have been recorded since yesterday, with a seven-day average of 3.6 daily. There were 473 people in the hospital, up to three from Thursday, and 35 (down four) in intensive care units.
83,855 PCR and rapid antigen tests were reported in the past 24 hours. Of these, 67,649 were meaningful PCR tests. The positive rate of PCR tests was 6.3 percent. This 24-hour figure was higher than the previous week’s average (an average of 4.7 percent of PCR tests positive).
Vaccination against cancer: catch-up due to Corona pandemic.
Three thousand ninety-four vaccinations were given Thursday. According to E-vaccination data, 6,829,642 people have already received at least one vaccination. Five million seven hundred thirty-three thousand six hundred forty-one people, or 63.8 percent of Austrians, have proper vaccination protection.
The province with the highest seven-day incidence was Vienna with 394.6, followed by Lower Austria, Vorarlberg, and Salzburg (286.2, 284.4, and 243.8, respectively). Burgenland (200.3), Tyrol (185.8), Upper Austria (171.4), Carinthia (144.9), and Styria (142.9) followed.
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