Trend on Corona traffic light goes up again

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Corona case numbers are trending upward in Vienna and the three western provinces. Individual provinces could therefore slip back into at least medium risk.

Infection numbers are now rising significantly again. Nevertheless, the risk figure, which is decisive for the coloring of the Corona traffic light, is falling. This is achieved by the responsible commission calculating the figures beautifully. Once again, new parameters were used today, which resulted in better figures. Thus the low risk continues to prevail in all federal states.

According to the previous model, the western states‘ module should have slipped back into the yellow zone of medium risk today. This is mainly because there is hardly any testing in the west and, therefore, very few asymptomatic cases. This has so far driven up the risk figure even with comparatively low case numbers.

An upward trend in Vienna and the three western provinces

Gesundheit Österreich GmbH and the Ministry of Social Affairs thought these data were no longer meaningful due to the low numbers. A valid and comparable detection of asymptomatic cases is currently not possible, according to APA.

The risk figure improved in all provinces, especially those that more or more minor refrain from testing, i.e., have a comparatively high number of unreported cases. Vienna, which would have had the sixth most favorable risk figure according to the old calculation, now has the worst value. Lower Austria also gains comparatively little from the new model (from 20 to 14). On the other hand, the risk figure in Vorarlberg falls from 29 to 13 and in Tyrol from 28 to 12.

Vienna continues to have the highest raw number of cases, but it is also where the most tests are carried out, almost twice as often per capita as in the second most diligent province, Lower Austria. Thus, the favorable testing rates in the three eastern provinces are also less than two percent, while they account for more than seven percent in the three western ones. Last week, Voitsberg had the lowest incidence, while Vienna had the highest, ahead of Bregenz.

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