Corona ordinance issued to end the quarantine

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The regulation to end the quarantine for Corona has now been officially issued on Wednesday.

The ordinance on the back of quarantine for Corona sufferers defines traffic restrictions or places you can not enter infected. The return of sick telephone leave and the risk group ordinance are stipulated elsewhere.

The ordinance was officially issued at the end of the Corona quarantine.
The traffic restrictions apply to anyone who tests positive. They begin to run even with a positive result on a less reliable antigen test. However, if the subsequent PCR test is negative, the restrictions are considered lifted again. In the case of a confirmed positive test, they run for five days any case, after which one can free test oneself with a CT value of over 30. The maximum duration for the traffic restriction is ten days.

The regulation defines wearing an FFP2 mask.
Essentially, the regulation only defines wearing an FFP2 (or higher-grade) mask as a traffic restriction. This must be worn indoors if physical contact with people from other households cannot be ruled out. Outdoors, the obligation applies if a minimum distance of two meters from other persons cannot be maintained. In plain language, this means that a mask must be worn on a busy shopping street, but not during a lonely walk in the woods.

In cars, masks are compulsory if other people are on board (even from the same household), and mouth-nose protection must be worn in public transport.

“Masked” is allowed to visit stores, events, and cinemas
“Masked” is permitted to visit authorities, stores, and events, e.g., museums or cinemas. Private meetings with people outside the household and a visit to a swimming pool or a restaurant are permitted. However, since a mask must be worn at all times, neither jumping into the pool nor eating a meal will be allowed.

Working will also be possible corona-positive in the future.
In the future, it will also be possible to work corona-positive when wearing a mask. If one is alone in the room or with other infected persons, one can also do without it, as long as it is not in vulnerable settings such as hospitals or nursing homes. Exceptions to this are occupations where the nature of the work reasonably precludes wearing a mask. For example, a speech therapist cannot perform her job while positive.

Seven areas for which entry prohibitions apply
To this end, seven areas are defined for which entry bans apply. These are old people’s and nursing homes as well as inpatient facilities for the disabled, hospitals, spas, daycare facilities for the disabled and the elderly, kindergartens (plus crèches, nurseries), elementary school and other care facilities for children under eleven (e.g., after-school care), including childminders.

Employees are exempt from the ban.
However, employees in these areas are exempt from the entry bans, which means that although a kindergarten teacher may “positively” go about her work, an infected child cannot enter the facility. Residents and patients are also logically excluded, although they are to be physically separated from non-infected persons – as are visitors in the context of palliative and hospice care, persons accompanying minors, and pregnant women. Non-local service providers are not allowed to enter infected vulnerable settings. Only the core staff is targeted.

Regulation to end quarantine at Corona enters into force on August 1
The ordinance goes into effect on Aug. 1. If someone has already been quarantined before then, the new law’s rules will apply as of the effective date.

  • source: APA/picture:
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