A batch of “Alles gurgelt” test kits has a technical error.
The Lead Horizon company recalls hundreds of thousands of its “Alles gurgelt” PCR tests due to a label error. The problem: The sample numbers on the test kit’s sample tube and the instructions for use do not match.
A spokeswoman could not tell ORF.at exactly how many tests are affected. In the past six months, she said, “several hundred thousand of them have been delivered,” “where the packaging error occurred in some of them.”
The packaging company is likely to have made a mistake. Lead Horizon gives the all-clear, however, that there is no health risk.
However, for users of the “Alles gurgelt” tests, there are inconveniences because samples with the sample number “LHR…” cannot be evaluated in part.
The sample number can be found on the bar code, which is affixed to the instructions for use. To be on the safe side, the number on the barcode should be compared with the number on the sample tube. Faulty tests can also be identified because a map of Austria is shown on the front of the test kits.
Affected test kits can be exchanged in BIPA stores without any problems. Additional pick-up code is not necessary. From Monday, the affected test kits will also be blocked for online testing.
- source: kurier.at/picture: hp
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