Quarantine and COVID measures are still necessary for the City of Vienna

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The fact that infected persons will go to work starting Monday is something the federal capital Vienna does not want to see among its employees. As announced on Friday, for City of Vienna employees – including administration in direct personal customer contact, employees in Viennese hospitals, care facilities, kindergartens, and municipal schools: “Positively tested, whether with or without symptoms, are not obliged to come to work.”

“An infection with the coronavirus is still a notifiable disease,” urgently warns the city on Friday. The appeal is therefore also to the customers of the city. “After the regulation of the federal government that Covid infected without symptoms obliges to wear an FFP2 protective mask but otherwise no restrictions for the direct customer area, the city of Vienna appeals to the co-responsibility and consideration of each individual towards themselves and society.”

The Viennese government adds: “Please remember: COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease – the pandemic is not over yet!” The request is for online completion before personal visits to offices; only “necessary” official business should be done in person on site. In addition, a fairness principle is requested: “Please adhere to the mandatory mask requirement if you are covid-positive tested! As a principle, keep the necessary distances in the waiting area.”

Vienna’s mayor Michael Ludwig has repeatedly shown himself not to be a friend of the health minister’s new Corona regulation. “I think this is a wrong path that the federal government is taking there,” Vienna’s Ludwig already shot in the direction of the Chancellor’s Office on Monday. “We in Vienna are guided by the European office of the WHO, which still believes that quarantine and measures are necessary to cope with the wave in the fall.”

  • source: vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com
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