The Corona traffic light has been set to yellow for all of Austria. According to the decision of the Corona Commission on Thursday afternoon, there is a medium risk for all of Austria and the six provinces of Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, and Tyrol. In Vienna and Burgenland, the risk is high; these are therefore orange; Vorarlberg was the only province that switched to yellow-green. Thus, there is a low risk in the westernmost province.
As of Aug. 3, the load in intensive care units was 3.8 percent Covid-specific, based on all reported adult intensive care beds in Austria. Beds in regular wards were at 3.7 percent Covid-specific utilization nationwide. The commission referred to the forecasting consortium, whose expectations were for average ward occupancy to decrease to 2.6 percent and intensive care unit occupancy to decrease to 3.1 percent over the next two weeks.
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