Austrians can still look forward to several cash bonuses this year – with the following bonus landing in their accounts as early as September.
The government wants to support the population against inflation in Austria with various measures and cash bonuses. Abolition of the cold progression, 500 euros climate bonus, 300 euros extra for the needy, 180 euros one-time payment per child on top of the family allowance, and tax relief – all these steps and bonuses are intended to give people in the country a helping hand with their expenses and bills.
And the costs for the population are getting higher and higher! Whether it’s apartments or rent, fuel, gas, electricity, or shopping in the supermarket – life in Austria is getting increasingly expensive and is hardly affordable for many people. Inflation, for example, has recently reached a new record level. Not since September 1975 has the inflation rate been as high as it is now! And an end of the price increases is not in view at present.
The extreme price increases in the country are hitting the country hard in any case, and many have to turn over every penny twice before they can treat themselves or afford something. And so that the population has more money left in its purse at the end of the month, the government is providing various financial assistance. The first ones will be or were already paid out in August – and the following bonus will be in a few weeks, specifically in September!
➤ From September 1: The direct payment of a cost-of-living adjustment of 300 euros for people with low incomes (minimum pensioners, recipients of student grants, job seekers, etc.). The price will be made automatically with the respective benefit (e.g., AMS money).
➤ Also, on September 1, pensioners will receive a one-off payment of up to €500. The exact amount of the one-time payment depends on the pension amount. Smaller pensions receive a higher one-off payment. Between €1,139 net and €1,566 net, there is €500 as a one-time payment; from then on, it becomes less and less. From 1,812 euros net, there is nothing more.
The Family Bonus Plus increase of 2,000 euros will also take effect by September 30. Suppose your employer does not automatically take the new relief into account in the payroll accounting; In that case, the family bonus must be taken into account in the employee assessment (income tax return) for 2022, which can be made next year. The same also applies to self-employed persons.
➤Together with the family allowance for September, a school start allowance of 100 euros is paid for each child aged 6 to 15.
October 2022
Just in time after the summer vacation, the big chunk finally arrives, and the relief wave picks up speed. Now, for the first time, everyone does get a cash bonus. The wait is over:
➤ 500 euros “super bonus” – 250 euros climate bonus and 250 euros anti-inflation bonus – is available for all (!) adults. Children get half each.
Note for big earners: If you have an annual income of 90,000 euros or more – including the chancellor, all ministers and club leaders of the parliamentary parties – the 250 euros from the cost-of-living bonus are taxable at a marginal tax rate of 50 percent. In this case, this must be declared as income in the employee tax assessment; the other 250 euros from the climate bonus are exempt.
December 2022
➤ To cushion the increased costs of energy, feed and fertilizers, domestic farmers will still receive a supply bonus at the end of the year amounting to an average of 1,000 euros per farm. Payment is made at the end of the year via the AMA.
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