A woman from the district of Oberpullendorf became a victim of fraud in mid-September through a phishing email from her supposed bank.
A 67-year-old lady from the Oberpullendorf district received a phishing email from her supposed house bank on September 16. She was asked to log in to Netbanking again to confirm her identity. Otherwise, she would no longer be able to use her online services. The lady complied with this request and logged in with her username and password.
Two days later, the lady received three SMS-TANs on her cell phone without requesting them. As this seemed suspicious to her, she immediately checked her bank statements and painfully found that eight unlawful debits were made from her account to foreign bank accounts. The lady suffered financial losses of around 3,500 euros. The police investigation has been started.
➤ Do not click on the link in the email under any circumstances. Only open your Internet banking via checked websites (https:// ).
Never pass on user or other access data to third parties.
➤ Keep your virus protection program up to date.
➤ In any case, be skeptical if your bank’s request seems suspicious to you. Your bank will contact you seriously.
Further information on phishing emails can be found on the web platform www.österreich.gv.at under Topics > Education and new media > Internet and cell phones – safe through the digital world.
➤ If you have been the victim of such a phishing email, report it immediately to the nearest police station.
- source: heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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