Federal presidential election 2022: How to vote?

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On Sunday, October 9, 2022, with 6.3 million eligible voters, the 14th election for Federal President in Austria will take place. And no, we didn’t forget to gender.

Who will run in the 2022 federal presidential election?
There has never been so much choice – a whole seven men have to be differentiated:

Michael Brunner (MFG)
Gerald Grosz (independent)
Walter Rosenkranz (FPÖ)
Heinrich Staudinger (independent)
Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens)
Tassilo Wallentin (independent)
Dominik Wlazny (Beer Party)

There were other candidates, but they either failed to collect enough signatures by September 2, 2022, or did not submit a valid election proposal to the Federal Election Authority.

Other candidates failed to collect enough signatures by September 2, 2022 or did not submit a valid election proposal to the Federal Election Authority.

Who can vote?
As long as you were born before October 9, 2006, and your primary residence has been in Vienna, for example, since August 9 at the latest; you may vote in the Austrian federal capital. If your main home was still in another federal state on that day, you could only vote there. Alternatively, you can cast your vote by absentee ballot, but according to the Federal Ministry, you must apply for an election card by October 7 at the latest.

How do I vote for my Federal President?
Of course, it’s up to you o choose a candidate according to your criteria.

You can cast your vote as follows:

  • In the days leading up to the election, you should also receive official election information by mail listing the polling place responsible for you.
  • If you have not applied for a polling card, walk into your local polling station on the day of the election with your official passport or ID.
  • Most of the time t, they are schools, offices, or other public buildings. Your identity will be verified there, and you will be allowed to vote.
  • If you have applied for a polling card because you cannot or are not at home on October 9, absentee voting may be the best option to cast your vote. You can e either hand in the requested absentee ballot at any polling station throughout Austria or have your voice delivered by mail.

Attention for absentee voting: you must fill out and sign everything correctly. It would help if you dropped the pre-labeled and sealed envelope in the mailbox no later than October 8, 2022.

If none of the candidates achieves an absolute majority, the second round of voting, also called a runoff, is held four weeks later. The office of the Federal President is not conferred until the swearing-in ceremony before the Federal Assembly.

  • source: k.at/picture: pixabay.com

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