“Vienna continues consistent Corona course!” clarifies Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) and warns of another wave.
“The pandemic is not over. Yesterday, Wednesday, 17,848 new Corona infections were reported across Austria. The 7-day incidence in Austria was 1,067.4. We are thus in the expected autumn wave,” Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig stressed today, Thursday. Although the 7-day incidence in Vienna is well below the national average – despite the fact that Vienna has the highest number of tests by a clear margin – the number of cases is rising here as well.
The model calculations of MA 23 assume a further increase in infections. The peak of Vienna’s case numbers is expected in the second half of October. Then, a 7-day incidence of up to 2,000 is assumed, which corresponds to a situation between the spring and summer waves. This could become a selectively stressful situation for hospitals.
“We’re also facing another Corona wave in the winter, possibly fueled by a new variant and coinciding with an influenza wave. This could mean an additional or significantly higher burden on hospitals – all against a vaccination rate in need of improvement and a consequent decline in immunity,” Mayor Ludwig said.
“For days, the experts have unanimously recommended a return to mandatory FFP2 masks. Before October 23, 2022, however, there is to be no decision on this on the part of the federal government. In contrast, Vienna has always stuck to its consistent and cautious approach,” Mayor Ludwig emphasizes.
The FFP2 mask requirement in public transportation has never been abolished.
➤ Masks must be worn when shopping in Viennese pharmacies.
➤ A mask must be worn, and a current PCR test (not older than 48 hours) is required for hospital visits or outpatient appointments.
Three visitors are allowed per patient per day.
➤ A mask must also be worn, and a current PCR test must be presented for visits to retirement homes.
➤ Corona is a contagious disease. Any contagious disease begins with infection. The Health Department recommends that all persons with the disease not participate in attending classes.
➤ In municipal schools and childcare facilities, personnel who have tested positive – just as in the health sector – are not deployed, regardless of whether they are symptom-free
➤ Positively tested children up to the 4th grade are not allowed to attend school and after-school care because it is not possible for them to wear an FFP2 protective mask throughout.
The following must be observed in the event of a positive antigen test: Pupils* who test positive must wear an FFP2 protective mask continuously in closed rooms where other people are also present but can remain at school if they are completely symptom-free.
➤From the 2nd case, within three days, wearing an FFP2 protective mask or MNS (children 6-14 years) for five days in the classroom/group room is recommended. Contact persons must be tested immediately after becoming aware of the infectious contact and 5fivedays after the last contact.
- source:heute.at/piture: Bild von Alexandra_Koch auf Pixabay
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