What are the symptoms of the corona, flu or cold? The differences are hard to tell.
We must be prepared for more and more periods of illness in the winter months, especially when there is an increase in colds, flu infections and corona. This year’s flu wave is, unfortunately, already in full swing. Corona, gastrointestinal viruses and typical cold viruses are also present. In Vienna, you can get a free flu vaccination since November 2.
But what if you are already sick? What is the difference between the symptoms of corona, flu or cold?
Symptoms of corona: Here’s how covid 19 disease manifests itself
Tiredness and fatigue
Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
Sometimes loss of sense of taste or smell, sore throat, headache and aching limbs.
Diarrhea or skin rash
Mild courses often show symptoms of a cold
Symptoms of influenza
sudden onset of illness with a fever (38.5 °C)
dry, irritating cough
muscle aches and headaches
Symptoms of the common cold (upper respiratory tract infection)
gradual onset
sore throat
diarrhea and nausea
moderate fever
Corona, flu or cold: what to do when you show symptoms?
It can be quite challenging to distinguish between clinical pictures. The overlapping symptoms of fever, cough and aching limbs make it challenging to separate corona from the flu or figure out if it’s “just” a cold. For this reason, the motto is still to test.
Stay home if you have symptoms, call the 1450 hotline and find out what to do. You can also ask someone to throw in a gargle test. Be careful not to get too close to the person when handing it over. Even if you are vaccinated, you may have contracted the coronavirus. By the way, the same is true for the flu shot and influenza virus.
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