What has changed this year legally – and what comes 2023

Warranty law It started well before. On January 1, 2022, the new regulations on warranty law came into force, making it easier for consumers to enforce their warranty claims if the purchased goods have a defect. Austria did not take on a pioneering role in this respect; instead, it was a matter of complying with European directives. Attorney Robert Suppan from the Suppan/Berger law firm in St. Veit an der Glan explains why the amendment is nevertheless a significant improvement from the consumer’s point of view: “To be able to…

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Authorities report 2,615 new Corona cases on Monday

Corona numbers are rising, though they are doing so more slowly now than in previous weeks. An overview of the figures for the week so far: 3,119 reported infections on Monday and 5,113 new infections on Tuesday, 6,751 infections on Wednesday, 5,469 cases on Thursday and 4,918 new conditions on Friday and 4,280 on Saturday. Three thousand five hundred sixty-two new infections on Sunday rounded out the week. And how does it look on Monday? According to a report by the Austrian newspaper “Heute,” 3,562 new infections and one death…

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Speedometer or Navi: Who shows the correct speed?

Should we look at the speedometer or the navy’s speed when driving? We’ll tell you. If you have a driver’s license, you’ve probably experienced that uncomfortable feeling of being flashed. Maybe you don’t know which speedometer to trust: the one in your car or your navigation device? Many people have two speedometers in their cars.The answer: it’s neither one nor the other. How accurate is a speedometer?Let’s start with the purists with the speedometer in the car. Your car never gives you the right speed, and that’s on purpose. Your…

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This is the perfect temperature for your refrigerator

Hardly anyone thinks about the right temperature around the refrigerator and freezer. At the same time, the temperature is essential for the shelf life of stored food. A survey by the electrical mail-order company AO has revealed that more than half of all Germans and Austrians have not set their refrigerator correctly. This is the right temperature.The best temperature for your refrigerator is between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius. Thirty-one percent of the people surveyed set it too cold, and 25 percent too warm. Both are not recommended and should…

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Authorities report 3,562 new Corona cases on Sunday

They’re rising slowly, but they keep rising – the corona numbers in the country keep going up. Authorities report 4,280 new viral cases on Saturday. Corona numbers are rising, though they are doing so more slowly now than in previous weeks. The values of the week so far at a glance: 3,119 reported infections on Monday and 5,113 new infections on Tuesday, 6,751 infections on Wednesday, 5,469 cases on Thursday and 4,918 new conditions on Friday and 4,280 on Saturday. The reported figures were mainly higher than the previous week’s…

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City of Vienna extends “Energy Support Plus”

The campaign “Energy support plus” for low-income people is extended by the City of Vienna. This is to help with the payment of gas and electricity bills. The subsidy of up to 500 euros can be applied for by the approximately 200,000 eligible households not only until the end of the year but until June 30, 2023. In the meantime, 53.7 million euros have been paid out to almost 269,000 applicants for the additional, broader “Energy Bonus 22” of 200 euros. He is faithful to his word, Mayor Michael Ludwig…

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New snow roll approaching before Christmas

Austria must continue preparing for wintry and fresh weather during Christmas. Snow will fall again in the middle of the week.Monday will be cloudy in the north but mostly dry. In the Danube region, in the Waldviertel and the southern basins, persistent high fog will persist in some areas, and the sun will appear during the day, especially from Vorarlberg to the Tauern region. In the east, a brisk, icy southeast wind will blow. Temperatures will rise mainly to -4 to +2 degrees Celsius, in the western mountainous areas locally…

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After a two-year break: Vienna New Year’s Eve Trail makes a comeback

The Vienna New Year’s Eve Trail is celebrating a comeback after the Corona break. It will take place for the first time in two years.This was announced by the organizer, Stadt Wien Marketing, on Thursday. It is the 31st edition of the significant event, for which Vienna City will again be transformed into a party mile. The party is free of charge – at a total of six locations. City Hall Square is not available this year.This year, the eponymous path stretches around 1.5 kilometres and runs from the Freyung…

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Inflation, salary and benefit increases in the new year

For the first time in a long time, Corona is no longer likely to dominate the coming year. Instead, the focus will be on inflation in the face of multiple crises, so 2023 will bring higher energy prices and high salary and pension increases due to inflation. What is new is the automatic annual adjustment of social benefits and climate protection will make driving more expensive. More plastic waste will be collected, and animal welfare in agriculture will become stricter.According to the economic research institute WIFO, inflation will be around…

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