Now 2 of the most dangerous virus waves are overtaking us

Half of Austria is on sick leave, hospitals are complete, and pediatricians are not picking up. Two experts reveal why. Austria is in an emergency: sick leave is increasing, and schools and kindergartens are partly empty. This time, however, it is not a Corona wave to blame, but two other dangerous viruses, coupled with a few other pathogens. “We are seeing a sharp increase in influenza infections week after week,” explains virologist Lukas Weseslindtner from MedUni Vienna’s Center for Virology. The interview was published in Austria’s daily newspaper “Heute.” In…

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Fear of Monday? What could be the reason?

Wasn’t it just Friday?! As is often the case, time flies by at the weekend, and before you know it, Sunday evening has arrived. A subliminal uneasiness spreads in many people: We are discussing the so-called “Sunday Scaries.” This refers to feelings of anxiety and stress that typically occur on a Sunday and stem from the anticipation of having to go back to school or work the next day, explains Carine Anderle. She is a psychotherapist and psychologist. “Sunday Scaries” is widespread. In a survey with over a thousand participants…

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Vienna sticks to stricter Corona rules: FFP2 requirement in public transport remains

In Vienna, the stricter Corona rules remain in place. In the federal capital, a negative PCR test must continue to be presented in hospitals and homes. In addition, the FFP2 mask obligation in public transport remains. While the Ministry of Health has lifted the 3G rule for visitors and employees in hospitals, older people’s homes, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities nationwide as of today (Friday), a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours old must still be presented in Vienna. In addition, FFP2 masks are mandatory. This also…

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This is why you shouldn’t charge your phone overnight

Most of us charge our smartphones overnight: you go to bed and plug in your phone, so it’s waiting for you the next day with a full battery. But according to a TikTok from the Kent Fire Brigade, a fire department in England, that’s a terrible idea. In the video, which has over 500,000 views, a firefighter explains why this can be dangerous. Most cell phones contain lithium-ion batteries. They’re made of two metals and a liquid called an electrolyte. The electrolyte causes the two metals to react with each…

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An extreme drop in temperature – This weekend will be bitterly cold in Vienna.

This weekend, it will be bitterly cold in Vienna. According to the European weather model ECMWF, temperatures are supposed to rattle into the cellar on Sunday in the middle of the night. The ice whip strikes hardest in the north of the federal capital and around Korneuburg (Lower Austria). Here, up to -13 degrees are expected around 5 a.m.; negative double-digit temperatures remain from Floridsdorf through the Wienerwald districts. Even in the “warm” south around Leopoldsdorf, it is still -7 degrees. During the day, it is supposed to continue frosty…

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Price explosion: Food up to 37% more expensive!

The daily purchase is around 15 percent more expensive than the previous year. There is a real price explosion for food. Inflation is not expected to slow down somewhat until 2023. In November, the price of a packet of butter was 37 percent higher than in the previous year. The price of cooking oil rose by an average of almost 27 percent. Milk, cheese and eggs cost 21 percent more, followed by meat and soft drinks (+16 percent each), bread and vegetables (+15 percent each). Comparatively modest was the increase…

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Christmas season is almost “normal” this year even with the virus

Lockdowns, personal restrictions and tests: the Christmas season has been stressful for many since the pandemic began. In the meantime, however, the situation has calmed down, and we are facing an almost “normal” Christmas. But what should still be considered According to environmental physician Hans-Peter Hutter, you must “take care of each other a bit. It’s best to test beforehand. Ventilate regularly. That’s all it takes.” However, you should still pay attention to your symptoms because: “Simply running around cold and thinking that you only have a harmless cold is…

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Mild weather ahead of Christmas weekend in Austria

At the beginning of the coming week, it will become significantly milder from the west of Austria. The wintry weather conditions will only last until the weekend. Next week, there will be maximum temperatures of up to plus ten degrees Celsius. The relatively low prospect of a white Christmas, predicted by the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) on Wednesday, is thus also supported by the current forecast from Thursday. Before Christmas, the weekend comes mild weather from the westToday, Friday, it will still rain and snow frequently at…

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Austrian Automobile Club (ÖAMTC) advises motorists in Austria to be careful of black ice.

Sometimes it’s icy cold; then, it’s plus degrees again. Black ice, in particular, can cause dangerous situations for drivers time and again in winter. Here’s what to watch out for in black ice. Temperatures are fluctuating at the moment. Anyone on the roads, whether by car, bicycle or on foot, is challenged at all times. Weather experts distinguish between black ice, where the road is already wet when it gets cold and black ice, where the cold comes first and only then the wet. “Black ice, in particular, repeatedly causes…

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