Vienna sticks to stricter Corona rules: FFP2 requirement in public transport remains

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In Vienna, the stricter Corona rules remain in place. In the federal capital, a negative PCR test must continue to be presented in hospitals and homes. In addition, the FFP2 mask obligation in public transport remains.

While the Ministry of Health has lifted the 3G rule for visitors and employees in hospitals, older people’s homes, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities nationwide as of today (Friday), a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours old must still be presented in Vienna. In addition, FFP2 masks are mandatory. This also remains valid in public transport and pharmacies.

Vienna maintains more cautious Corona course: PCR test at hospital visit remains.
Austria’s hospitals are strongly loaded; the more careful course in the office of Vienna health city councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) is justified in comparison with the remaining Lands of the Federal Republic. In addition to an RSV wave that is primarily hitting children’s wards and the most muscular influenza wave in ten years, he said one cannot risk additional COVID clusters in the hospital. “That is why we must continue to maintain a minimum level of protective measures in order not to cause additional burdens,” it said in a statement to APA.

In addition to mandatory PCR testing (with exceptions in exceptional cases) and mandatory FFP2 masks, hospitals continue to have an upper limit of three visits per day per patient. For staff, FFP2 covers are compulsory for patient and visitor contact, and they must also PCR test once a week. The same rules apply in nursing and residential care homes, but there is no upper limit of visits.

FFP2 mask requirement remains in Vienna’s public transport system
As already announced, Vienna is also maintaining the FFP2 mask requirement in public transportation (including enclosed areas of the associated stations). The mask must continue to be worn in pharmacies – not least because, as COVID test stations, they are also used to clarify suspected cases. Like the federal regulation, these measures will initially apply until February 28, 2023.

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