It has long been known that nuts are healthy. They contain important fats – including essential omega-3 fatty acids. They are also full of minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium, and vitamins E, C and B.
A study has found that almonds, walnuts, and co. can do much more.
Nuts as snacks
In a study of 131 overweight people, the effect of (tree) nuts such as almonds, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts and walnuts was examined. Peanuts are not included; they are legumes.
The nuts were given as snacks, like salted pretzels. Of the 95 subjects, 39 subjects snacked on pretzels as a control group, while 56 subjects ate nuts as snacks with the same caloric value. At the end of the study period, the researchers analyzed each participant’s stool and blood plasma samples to determine the effects of their various snacks.
Blood pressure reducers and circulatory protectors
Conclusion: eating them significantly lowered blood pressure and increased levels of heart- and circulation-protecting substances – the so-called tryptophan metabolites.
According to the researchers, “We discovered several new associations between tryptophan metabolites and blood pressure, heart rate, and satiety in overweight/obese subjects, suggesting a broader influence of tryptophan metabolism on overall health, including cardiovascular health.”
Nuts appear to influence the microbiome of our gut positively. “The gut microbiome and its metabolites may contribute to the regulation of our metabolism and mood,” the study leader explained.
The happiness hormone is much higher.
Serotonin levels rose sharply in the subjects, by up to 60 percent at week 12, for example.
The happiness hormone also rose somewhat in the pretzel control group. The study leaders assume that the subjects who wanted to lose weight also had higher serotonin levels due to the weight loss.
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