Silicon snow suspected 3,000 kilometres below Earth’s surface

Earthquakes are used to explore our planet’s interior. Researchers study their echoes for this purpose. These seismic waves have anomalies that are not yet fully understood. But one of those mysteries may now be out. Through an experiment, researchers at the University of Tokyo, the University of Arizona, and the University of Chicago have determined that silicon-rich snow could exist between the Earth’s liquid core and mantle. This is likely to be responsible for at least some of the strange seismic waves. To do this, the conditions of the Earth’s…

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A happy world: what makes different peoples of the globe live well

Are we living in a healthy and peaceful environment? Feeling safe on the streets? Having the opportunity to build a family? Given a choice, we would all like everything, but unfortunately, this is still not the case in real society. However, each of us has a definite scale of values, which helps us in our life choices. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) publishes the Better Life Index every year, which defines what is, for each country, the first source of happiness. We are all different, with different…

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Foods that contain the most potassium

Potassium is found in many foods, and deficiency in good health is very difficult, but you can replenish this valuable mineral with the following foods. Dried legumesTo ensure a good supply of potassium, consuming dried legumes with their cooking liquid is useful. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pine nuts.They can be added daily to your meals, for example, to enrich a vegetable side dish, pasta sauce, or fruit salad. Nibble as a snack or enjoy a healthy breakfast. Tinned tomatoesTo ensure a good supply of potassium, buy canned tomatoes from the…

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9.1 million people in Austria: what’s behind the growth

There were two records to report last week: “We” are 9.1 million for the first time. In this case, “we” are all people who lived in Austria as of January 1. The second record: from 2022 to 2023, there was an increase of 1.4 percent. This is the highest value in a single year in the post-war period. KURIER spoke with Alexander Wisbauer of Statistics Austria about what lies behind these figures. “If you look at Austria in its current borders, the 9.1 million is a record figure,” confirms the…

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Carnival doughnut (Faschingskrapfen)

The carnival doughnut has been a popular tradition for centuries, and it is practically impossible to imagine the carnival season without it. But what exactly is a carnival doughnut, what does it consist of, and where does the tradition come from that the doughnut is so popular at carnivals of all times?Traditional at carnival timeThe tradition of the carnival doughnut goes back to the Middle Ages. At that time, it was the case that the particularly high-fat doughnuts, which had other names at the time, were eaten in preparation for…

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Women’s retirement age increases: This is how the gradual increase will take place starting in 2024

Those new regulations around the women’s retirement age in Austria, which will apply gradually from 2024, are not surprising. After all, the basis for this goes back to 1992. At that time, the Constitutional Court set the course for raising the legal retirement age with its decision. The aim was to align it with the statutory retirement age for men, i.e. 65. At the beginning of February, the National Council and, on Thursday, the Bundesrat, with an amendment of the Social Security law key dates finally concretized and fixed. In…

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Adapted Corona vaccines significantly reduce mortality risk

Booster vaccination with matched Corona vaccine significantly lowers the risk of death compared with unvaccinated. Corona vaccine matched to Omicron BA.4/BA.5 is significantly more effective than a “booster” with the old un-matched Covid vaccine (reduced mortality by a factor of 5.4), a U.S. study finds. The study examines protection by matched Corona vaccines against omicron waveThe study was conducted by scientists at the U.S. government-run Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/Atlanta/Georgio). They analyzed data on 21.3 million people from 24 states over 12 who had covid-19 between October 2021…

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Here’s what you can do about food waste

Worldwide, one-third of food ends up in the garbage, about 1.3 billion tons. In Austria alone, 157,000 tons of food and leftovers from private households are thrown away yearly. A large part of this waste is due to incorrect purchasing behaviour. The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration is also working on the topic. Gerald Reiner, head of the Institute for Production Management, is researching food waste and how retailers can prevent it. In Reiner’s studies, three main causes emerge: Overproduction due to inaccurate sales forecasts, inefficient warehousing and…

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Urgent warning – do not open this SMS message

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) warns of a new scam via SMS. A new scam SMS is currently circulating in Austria. Using SMS, an impending seizure of household goods is faked to stir up fears and extort payments, Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) informs in a release. The message contains a link to allegedly settle outstanding debts. In this way, the perpetrators try to obtain account data and thus the victims’ money, RTR warns. The new SMS scam was reported via the “” platform. “The SMS informs you that a…

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