Vienna Energy Bonus 2023- how to get it in your account

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The “Vienna Energy Bonus 23” starting signal is imminent – the bonus can be applied from April 17. This is how it works!

Just under 234,000 people will receive the energy cost flat rate of 200 euros.
The deadline for applications for the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 ended on March 31, 2022, and the City of Vienna is taking positive stock. The central goal of this support service was achieved: around two-thirds of all Viennese households were quickly and unbureaucratically supported with 200 euros each.

“With the Vienna Energy Bonus 22, we launched the largest single aid measure in the history of Vienna last summer. With it, we quickly and specifically provided financial assistance to all those Viennese who are most affected by the high inflation and increased energy prices. I am very pleased that 99.7 percent of all applications were processed positively. I would like to thank the employees of MA40 and MA01, who have done a really great job. Unfortunately, however, the cost-of-living crisis is not over yet. For this reason, we are once again making 200 euros available to households eligible for the Energy Bonus 23 from mid-April to cushion the high costs. For more than 550,000 households, the Energy Bonus 23 will be paid out automatically,” says Peter Hanke, City Councillor for Finance and Economic Affairs.

To help Viennese households cope with the continuing high energy and housing costs, they will now receive an additional subsidy of 200 euros. The target group remains the same: single-person households with an annual gross income in 2021 of up to 40,000 euros and multi-person households with an annual gross income in 2021 of up to 100,000 euros – around 650,000 homes, for which 130 million euros will again be available.

There will be around 556,000 households for which the Vienna Energy Bonus 23 will be automatically paid without a prior application. These people have already applied for the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 until March 25, 2023, and in whose households there have been no relevant changes. They will receive a letter from the City of Vienna informing them about the automatic payment in the next few days. The Vienna Energy Bonus 23 will then be instructed to the last bank account provided or paid out again by postal order.

For example, those who do not receive automatic payment of the Vienna Energy Bonus 23 can apply because they have recently moved to Vienna from another province. These persons will be informed of this – in the same way as for the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 – by letter, including a unique password for the online application. The online application for the Vienna Energy Bonus 23 can be submitted as of April 17, 2023.

For people who are not computer-savvy, applying online can be a challenge. For this reason, the City of Vienna has already created numerous physical support offers for the Energy Bonus 22, where people can get advice and submit an application right away.

Extensive support offers are again planned for the Vienna Energy Bonus 23. A complete list of contact addresses will be available online and by telephone via the service hotline at +43 1 4000 8040.

In the lowest income decile, Viennese spend 57 percent of their net disposable household income on housing and energy (36%) and food (21%). The figure in the top income decile is 31 percent (19% housing and energy, 12% food). This means that price fluctuations particularly hit the lowest incomes in these areas.

Looking at inflation trends in the lowest and highest income segments, a significant difference emerges. While general inflation has risen by 11.2% as of January 2023, it has increased by an above-average 12.9% in the lowest income by a below-average 10.6% in the highest part. Housing and energy inflation is 19.3%, and food is 17.0%. These values are very high and hit the lowest incomes the hardest because they spend most of their income on these areas.

The impact on the lowest incomes is drastic: inflation-related additional spending accounts for 14.1% of total net disposable household income in the lowest income decile, compared with only 4.9% in the top income decile. I was looking at the lowest income decile, Energy Bonus 22, Energy Bonus 23, and Housing Bonus 23 cover 600 euros, or around 42%, of the inflation-related additional expenditure covered by the City of Vienna’s support programs.

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