With immediate effect, documents such as a birth or marriage certificate can be downloaded via the “Digitales Amt” app.
In addition to registering in the app, the prerequisite is possessing a cell phone signature or ID-Austria and paying a fee. According to a dispatch from the Ministry of Finance on Thursday, this new “document service” will also be further expanded.
Digital office app: document service to be further expanded
The data of all persons for whom there has been a change in the civil status register since 2014 has been automatically recorded digitally. All other persons must ask their registry office to record their data in the digital register to use the new “deed service.”
“We also want to expand the deed service and are currently examining the possibility of making additional documents and deeds available electronically,” said Digitization State Secretary Florian Tursky (ÖVP) in a statement.
The prerequisite for using the digital office and other e-government services is possessing an electronic identity. The ID Austria can be used in over 200 online applications of various authorities. At the end of March, more than 826,000 ID Austria were in use.
- source: vienna.at/picture:
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