On Monday, May 1, part of the remaining Corona rules will end. This means that the mask requirement, which was in effect until last, is also history in vulnerable areas such as hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, and doctors’ offices. The so-called risk group exemption will also expire. At the end of June, the obligation to report a covid illness will also be a thing of the past.
However, despite the end of the mask obligation, physicians can still insist that patients and accompanying persons wear an FFP2 mask in the office. This could be the case, for example, if persons with weakened health need to be protected or patients come to the practice with symptoms such as cough or cold, the medical association clarified.
The government has already decided on the roadmap for the end of the Corona measures in the Council of Ministers on February 1. “The pandemic is going, the virus is staying, and we will be able to deal with it,” Health Minister Johannes Rauch said.
In addition to the end of masks, the so-called risk group exemption – the corona-related exemption regulation for risk groups – will also end. This protected those with pre-existing conditions that increased their risk from Covid 19 disease. Previously, the employer was reimbursed 100 percent of the cost of the time off.
Then, before summer vacation – effective July 1 – SARS-CoV-2 will no longer be a reportable disease. The currently still valid traffic restriction for positively tested people will also end. Infected people do not have to be quarantined, but they must wear an FFP2 mask indoors and outdoors when in close contact with other people.
- source: APA/picture: pixabay.com
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