Once breakfast is over and leftover bread is left over, it is usually hard the next day and ends up in the garbage can. However, there are numerous ways to turn the leftovers into delicious dishes.
Shelf life of bread: The differences
Bread or rolls taste best immediately after baking; no question about it. But if you store leftovers properly, you can still enjoy tasty baked goods a few days later. But not every type of bread lasts the same amount of time. The following applies: The more rye or whole grain is contained, the longer the shelf life.
As a rule, wheat bread stays fresh for up to three days, and wholemeal bread for up to nine days. However, the shelf life depends, among other things, on the storage. But even if the bread leftovers are already complicated, they do not have to be disposed of immediately. Because with a few simple tricks, the bread quickly becomes fresh again.
Make old bread fresh again: This is how it works.
To get old, dry bread scraps soft again; a simple trick is to make them fresh using water and heat. For example, you can bake the old bread or roll it in the oven, brush it with water beforehand, or soften it slowly with steam.
Moldy bread: Dispose of it immediately!
If the old bread is no longer only dry but already infested with mold, it should be disposed of immediately and not eaten under any circumstances. This applies even if only a few mold spores are visible because these can spread all over the bread.
What to do with leftover bread?
The best trick to avoid leftovers in the kitchen is good planning when shopping. If you buy too much bread, it’s best to freeze it in time. If it still happens that white bread, brown bread, and co. have their best days behind them, here are eight great ideas for leftover bread.
Brown bread can also be wonderfully dried and later served as a crunchy bread chip with dips and cottage cheese. The important thing is to slice the bread and let it air dry until it is completely hard and dried out.
Croutons to top salads (made from wheat, mixed or rye bread, for example).
Italian bread salad (panzanella): To make this, soak stale bread in water, squeeze it out and mix with chopped tomatoes and basil.
Soak stale bread or rolls in milk, squeeze and add to the mixture of vegetables or minced meat to loosen meatballs.
Bake a sweet bread casserole from dry white bread, rolls or brioche.
Use dried rolls for homemade breadcrumbs.
Quick mini pizza made from dry brown bread: topped with tomatoes and cheese and baked briefly in the oven, the bread becomes juicy and crunchy again at the same time.
Use assorted bread, rye bread, or rolls for dumpling dough.
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