Households in which at least four people have their primary residence can get an additional subsidy for electricity costs.
Households where at least four people have their primary residence can get an additional subsidy for electricity costs.
In addition to the electricity price brake, a subsidy for larger households is also effective immediately. This benefits all those with more than three people in their primary residence. Specifically, the state pays 105 euros for each additional person, which is deducted directly from the electricity bill.
In most cases, this happens automatically; the Ministry of Finance will inform everyone else that they can apply. The prerequisite for the additional subsidy is that at least four people are listed in the Central Register of Residents and draw electricity via a household metering point. This is the case for 85 percent of eligible households, representatives of the Ministry of Finance said on Saturday.
For others, for example, several metering points exist at one address. Starting next week, these households will be informed about the subsidy by e-mail or mail. The application is then to be submitted digitally.
Brunner: “Disproportionately burdened “The electricity cost break launched by the Turquoise-Green federal government has been in effect since December 1, 2022, cushioning the price for the first 2900 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per household, i.e., the average consumption of a three-person family. According to the supply contract, the electricity price must then be paid for the additional consumption.
“We have launched numerous relief measures to support people,” said Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP). With the new subsidy, all larger households disproportionately burdened by increased electricity costs will now benefit.
- source: Bild von Emilian Robert Vicol auf Pixabay
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