A new money bonus is coming – and it’s a tough one! The “Gemeindebau-Bonus” is intended to relieve the burden on hundreds of thousands of Viennese significantly.
New bonus fixed, payment in September 2023! The Vienna City Council has set the so-called “community building bonus” for 55 million euros. “Community building in Vienna has always stood for social cohesion. Through the multi-level community building bonus, the City of Vienna and Vienna Housing shows what it means to look and act socially accurate,” said Housing Councillor and Deputy Mayor Katrin Gaál (SPÖ).
“Especially in the current difficult times, it is essential that people get tangible support and do not have to fear losing their apartment,” said Gaál. “That’s why the City of Vienna has decided, as of the beginning of September, in a first step, to support all tenants of a municipal housing apartment to the extent of half a net monthly rent.” In total, the multi-stage “Gemeindebau-Bonus” comprises three measures.
At the beginning of September 2023, all tenants of a municipal apartment will receive a special payment in the form of a credit for half a net monthly rent, it is said. At the end of the calendar year 2023, those tenants whose rent was increased in 2022-2023 will receive an additional credit in the form of a step bonus. The amount of the credit will be based on the extent of the increases that took place in the period above.
By facilitating the agreement of installment payments, it is easier for those tenants to help themselves who fall behind financially and are threatened with the loss of their apartments, the statement continues. At the same time, Gaál criticizes the federal government for abandoning those affected by inflation. “Tenants throughout Austria need a generally applicable solution,” the SPÖ woman demands action.
- source: heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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