ÖAMTC reminds us: parking tickets purchased before January 1, 2023, will soon lose their validity.
As of January 2023, Vienna has increased parking fees by 14 percent: in concrete terms, this means a rate increase to 1.25 euros per half hour. Vienna parking tickets purchased before January 1 of this year will remain valid.
Old Vienna parking tickets: The deadline ends on June 30
But beware: the deadline ends on June 30, 2023. After that, the old short-term parking tickets may no longer be used: “Anyone who does so anyway is effectively parking without a valid parking ticket and must reckon with a fine for illegal parking in the conventional amount of 36 euros,” says ÖAMTC traffic expert Matthias Nagler. So anyone who parks their vehicle in districts for which there is no valid exemption – i.e. the Vienna “Parkpickerl” – should take good care from July 1 to use only new parking tickets. The regular coloured tickets will remain available for 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes. All those who pay their parking fees digitally via cell phone parking will automatically be charged the increased rates.
No possibility of exchange or refund
“It is not possible to return or exchange old parking tickets – anyone who still has some after the deadline, i.e. from July 1, will unfortunately be stuck with them,” clarifies Matthias Nagler.
Nevertheless, the ÖAMTC expert advises those affected not to throw away expired parking tickets: “Anyone who still has large quantities of short-term parking tickets and can no longer use them up should keep them as a precaution – up to now there has been no final legal ruling on whether the refusal to exchange or refund fees is actually legal,” concludes Nagler.
- source: vienna.at/picture: hp
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