On Tuesday evening, Apple unveiled the iPhone 15. There’s a bit of a surprise when it comes to pricing. For example, it was initially rumoured that Apple was raising prices to balance out sales despite falling sales.
However, the opposite has happened. The iPhones are getting cheaper. For example, the regular iPhone and the Plus variant are being sold for 50 euros less in Austria compared to the starting price of the predecessor model.
However, the devices still do not bargain at 949 and 1099 euros, respectively. With a retail price of 1199 Euros, the iPhone 15 Pro is even 100 Euros cheaper than the iPhone 14 Pro at launch. The iPhone 15 Pro Max costs as much as its predecessor from last year but now comes in the most affordable variant with 256 instead of 128 gigabytes of storage.
iPhone 15 Austria prices
Here are the Austrian prices of all Apple products unveiled on Tuesday:
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 128GB: 949 euros
iPhone 15 Plus 128GB: 1099 Euro
iPhone 15 Pro 128GB: 1199 Euro
iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB: 1449 euros
Apple Watch SE
Apple Watch SE (2nd Gen): from 279 euros
Apple Watch Series 9
Apple Watch Series 9: from 449 euros
Apple Watch Ultra 2
Apple Watch Ultra 2: from 899 euro
Headphones with USB-C
EarPods (USB-C): 19 Euro
AirPods Pro (2nd Gen): 279 euros
iPhone 15 Clear Case: 59 euros
iPhone 15 Pro Clear Case: 59 Euro
iPhone 15 Silicon Case: 59 Euro
iPhone 15 Pro Silicon Case: 59 Euro
iPhone 15 Fine woven Case: 69 Euro
iPhone 15 Pro Fine woven Case: 69 Euro
iPhone Fine woven Wallet: 69 Euro
- source:futurezone.at/picture: pixabay.com
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