Many are familiar with the problem of high blood pressure. A study from the USA has now found that most people don’t even know how high healthy blood pressure levels should be in the first place.
A large number of people are affected by higher-than-average blood pressure levels. This figure is frightening when considering the typical secondary diseases of hypertension.
However, strokes, cardiac insufficiency or heart failure can be prevented with the proper treatment – if the signs of high blood pressure are recognized correctly. In any case, a study from the USA has now established that most people do not know at all what the maximum blood pressure values should be.
Misjudgements are frighteningly frequent
In Germany, around 6600 humans were asked about blood pressure values to test how well they knew about them; 1342 of them have high blood pressure, and the other 795 exhibit different diseases, as Fitbook reports.
The shocking result: 64 percent of all respondents are sure they can correctly assess their blood pressure, but only 39 percent do. The optimistic Proband was more rarely the opinion, already with easy blood pressure (e.g., 132/69) to act on.
Correct assessment is essential.
The researchers consider it essential to interpret blood pressure values correctly to avoid subsequent illnesses by treatment. According to Fitbook, two values are always given for blood pressure, one indicating the pressure when the heart contracts (systolic blood pressure) and the other when it slackens (diastolic blood pressure).
The German Society for Hypertension and Prevention (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Prävention – Deutsche Hochdruckliga e. V.) provides information on the standard values that apply in Germany. According to this, normal blood pressure exists at 130 to 80. You should start worrying at values of 140 to 90. Anything just below this can be remedied by changing various crucial habits.
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