Fasting: Dos and Don’ts for beginners

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I’m a big fan of fasting. Because fasting is the best thing we can let our bodies do. The body can regenerate break down fat in peace, and it is a true fountain of youth. We get or remain slim and fit better than ever, all without much effort.

Food abstinence triggers a biochemical shift in the body. Once you have fasted, you could learn that fasting is not really a renunciation but rather a gain. Fasting is THE compensation for everything that is not good for us. Too much food, too many fatty foods, too much sugar, too much alcohol, too little exercise in the fresh air, too much stress – all these are factors that burden our bodies and our minds, even “dirty”. Fasting is not a fashion phenomenon. Fasting – if done correctly – is indeed a gift. Once you have found the right form of fasting for yourself and integrated it into your everyday life, then fasting will become an indispensable part of your life. The best part is that fasting can be done by anyone and anywhere. However, fasting should not be exhausting and not become such a big topic “in the head”. It makes no use for us to have to think about food all the time during the fasting hours. If that’s the case, we’ve done something wrong. The most important message: In order to make fasting easy, you should eat deliciously first.

Why I recommend 16:8 – 16:8 is the term for a 16-hour fast and 8-hour meal. Short: 16 hours without food; the remaining eight hours are eaten two or three times. Regardless of what time it is, for example, meal time is between 12:00 and 20:00 (eight hours), then fasting is from 20:00 to 12:00 (16 Stunden).
But 16:8 has a different meaning for me and many others: at 4:00 p.m., the food intake is interrupted, and it is eaten again only at 8:00 a.m. This is the variant that I like to recommend as a nutritionist. With this 16:8 rule, we are best off if we want to, or we can make up for “eating sins” very easily. The reason for this is the time. If we start our 16-hour fasting period at 4 p.m., dinner will be eliminated, and this will contribute to fat loss.

16:8 fasting, make your personal experience and be happy that in the future, you will have a tool that brings countless benefits. For example, autophagy: the body’s own “dumping”. Autophagy comes from Ancient Greek and means “self-eating”.

Since the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology was awarded to the Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi for his work on cellular degradation and recycling processes, the term autophagy has become commonplace. So fasting stimulates autophagy, the “self-digestion of the body cells”. Researchers see this cellular wiping as one of the most important explanations for the health-promoting effects of dietary abstinence.

The advantages in the overview Intermittent fasting…

… promotes cell repair…. keeps the brain young.
… is the anti-ageing tool by no means.
… to protect against diseases.
… balances our intestinal flora.
… normalizes the feeling of satiety.
… boosts metabolism.
… lowers insulin levels.
… helps to burn fat while protecting the muscles.
… helps to target abdominal fat.
… makes us fit, stronger and more beautiful.
… is – last but not least – an extremely effective method to lose weight!

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