For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people in the world live in Finland. Austria has slipped in this year’s happiness ranking.
Every year, the countries with the happiest inhabitants are chosen for the “International World Day of Happiness.” For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people live in Finland. Austria slipped down the rankings slightly this year.
The report is about people’s subjective assessments of their own lives. The survey covered the period from 2021 to 2023. Despite the war in Ukraine, people in Northern Europe remain the happiest in the world. Leader Finland is followed at some distance by Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, and Israel.
World Happiness Report: What factors impact happiness?
- Social Support- This is the best predictor of happiness. If people feel like they have at least one person they can reach out to when they’re in need, they are more likely to feel secure.
- GDP per capita- This is how much a country produces divided by its population.
- A healthy life expectancy- The researchers look at the physical and mental health of a country’s population.
- Freedom to make life choices- This plays a key role in how happy one feels.
- Generosity- This factor looks at how charitable a country’s people are.
- Perception of Corruption- How corrupt are a country’s government and business policies? This factor looks at both and researchers use what they find to estimate happiness levels.
Austria has slipped slightly
According to the happiness report, people in this country are slightly unhappier than last year. With a score of 6.90 points, Austria is in 14th place this year, which is slightly worse than in 2023. Back then, Austria just scraped into the top ten with 7.09 points and came in eleventh place.
According to the World Happiness Report, the unhappiest country is Afghanistan. Zwischen dem Land der glücklichsten Menschen Finnland (7,7) und Afghanistan (1,7) liegen demnach etwa 6 Punkte Unterschied auf der durchschnittlichen Glücksskala von 0 bis 10.
To the point
Finland has once again secured the title of the country with the happiest inhabitants, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Israel
Despite the global crises, people’s assessments of their own lives remain stable, according to the World Happiness Report, although Austria has lost some of its happiness compared to the previous year and is now in 14th place
place. Afghanistan, on the other hand, is rated as the unhappiest country
- sources: Bild von Daniel Reche auf Pixabay
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