Nutritional myths

Bread and pasta make you fat, coffee is dehydrating, and eggs increase cholesterol levels. The list of such myths, misconceptions, and half-truths in nutrition is long, and many of them persist—13 myths in an individual check. What are nutritional myths, and how do they arise?Nutritional myths ascribe properties to certain foods or nutrients that they do not have, according to scientific findings. Some nutritional myths date back to when there were neither refrigerators nor modern nutritional science. It is often impossible to determine their exact origin. Modern myths sometimes accompany…

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Early summer weather in Austria continues until the middle of the week

After the cold snap in Austria, the early summer weather is set to return. According to the forecast from Geosphere Austria, temperatures of up to 29 degrees are expected on Tuesday before a low-pressure system brings back heavier clouds, rain and cooling. However, the start of the week on Monday will continue to be dominated by the southerly high-altitude current and high air pressure on the ground. High-pressure weather on TuesdayThe high-pressure weather will continue on Tuesday. It will remain very sunny, and thin clouds will occasionally pass in high…

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53 degrees Celsius in the Philippines

Due to record temperatures in the Philippines, in-person classes were suspended in all public schools on Monday and Tuesday. The weather bureau warned that the heat index—the perceived temperature of humidity and other factors—was reaching dangerous levels in many places. At the same time, it already posed “extreme danger in some areas.” For example, the heat index in Iba, Zambales, was reported at a record-breaking 53 degrees on Sunday. The temperatures in the capital, Manila, and many other parts of the country felt well above 40 degrees. The population was…

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Festival #wienliebe at the Rathausplatz

The #wienliebe event will take place for the first time from 24 to 26 May 2024. It will introduce its audience to the cultural, cuisine, and arts and crafts elements that make Vienna liveable and lovable. The festival by Vienna for Vienna embodies enjoyment, conviviality, and coziness. For 3 days, residents and visitors are invited to discover life’s many pleasures in the federal capital in one place. Viennese cuisine, coffee houses, wine taverns and drinking culture are celebrated. Culturally, there are several renowned representatives of Viennese music as well as…

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Summer and sunshine return, but only for a few days

After the cold snap in Austria, the early summer weather is set to return. According to the forecast by Geosphere Austria, up to 29 degrees are expected on Tuesday before a low-pressure system brings back heavier clouds, rain, and cooling. The new week will, therefore, start with sunny weather. However, high cloud fields and Sahara dust, especially in the west, will spoil the impression a little on Monday. The wind will blow weakly to moderately in the eastern lowlands, and individual wind lines on the northern side of the Alps…

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Rare star explosions can be seen with the naked eye

A so-called nova explosion will soon be visible from Earth. The event only occurs every 80 years or so. “T Coronae Borealis,” or “T CrB,” is a star about 2,700 light-years from Earth. It usually has a magnitude of 10 brightness—too faint to recognise with the naked eye. However, according to NASA, this is set to change in the coming days. The US space agency expects the star to erupt by September this year – a so-called nova explosion occurring approximately every 80 years: “This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…

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Extraordinary heatwaves in Southeast Asia

An extraordinary heatwave has been keeping the region busy for the past week. The thermometer rose to 45 degrees in some places. People in South and Southeast Asia are bracing themselves for more extreme heat. In the Philippines, the Ministry of Education announced on Sunday that schools would remain closed until Tuesday due to extreme heat and a nationwide bus drivers’ strike. Authorities in other countries also issued health warnings. Citizens sought refuge from the smoldering temperatures in parks or shopping centers cooled by air conditioning. As the Philippine Department…

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Lemon water: the healthy freshness kick

Lemon water is not only very healthy, but it also aids digestion and helps you lose weight. Slim down with lemon water: this healthy drink provides the body with essential nutrients and is ideal for losing weight. The mixture of water and lemon also tastes delicious and ensures a good start to the day. Freshness kick: lemon water is a proven health boosterIf you want to do something good for your body in the morning, avoid sweet fruit juices and opt for a classic: lemon water. The refreshing drink stimulates…

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These foods can become poisonous when reheated

Caution is advised when eating leftovers from the previous day. This is because some foods can even become poisonous when reheated. When cooking, the eyes are often more significant than the stomach. All too often, some food is left over. But reheating is not always advisable. Some foods can form dangerous toxins when they are reheated, which is often due to incorrect storage. For your health, be careful when reheating the following foods: Cooked riceCooked rice can be eaten the next day without problems, provided it has been stored correctly.…

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