Temperature in March 2024: Another record month

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The unusually warm temperatures continue in Austria, and March 2024 continues the series of record-breaking months. After an exceptionally mild February, March presents another peak performance that has not been recorded in the records for 257 years.

Warm weather continues
March 2024 was 3.5 degrees warmer than the long-term average from 1991 to 2020. This deviation even exceeds the previous record holder of 2017 with +2.8 degrees. Experts from the Austrian Severe Weather Centre confirm that this is already the fourth month in a short time to break all previous heat records.

Early summer Easter and warm nights
Strong southerly wind weather conditions contributed significantly to the unusually warm spring days, including Easter. Holy Saturday even brought the first summer day of 2024, when the temperature in Oberndorf/Melk rose to 25.0 degrees. The warm night on 30 March in Wiener Neustadt, with a minimum temperature of 16.5 degrees, also set a new national March record.

End of the frost-free period
Despite isolated snowfalls at the beginning of the month, March saw a longer frost-free period, which ended in Vienna after 47 days. However, this period continues in Bregenz, where no frost has been recorded since the end of January.

While above-average amounts of precipitation were recorded in the south, along the main Alpine ridge, and in the northeast, it remained comparatively dry in Upper Austria and Upper Styria. In particular, the low-pressure system from Italy on March 11 and 12 caused heavy rainfall in the northeast.

Sunshine balance on an area average
On average, March 2024 was 14 per cent less sunny than usual, with a deficit of up to 40 per cent recorded in the south. In contrast, the northeast recorded a balance between balanced and slightly positive sunshine.
Extreme values for March 2024
Highest temperature: The highest value of 25.0 degrees was reached in Oberndorf/Melk (Lower Austria) and Schärding (Upper Austria).
Lowest temperature: The lowest temperature of -11.0 degrees was measured in St. Leonhard im Pitztal (T).
Wettest place: Loibl (K) recorded the highest amount of precipitation, with 283 litres per square metre.
Sunniest inhabited place: Gänserndorf (Lower Austria) enjoyed 172 hours of sunshine.
Strongest wind peaks: The highest wind speed of 118 km/h was measured in Brand (V).

  • source: wetter.at/picture: pixabay.com
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