The start of the warm season also marks the start of tick season, and the little parasites lurk in the grass, waiting for their chance to attach themselves to humans.
As soon as you discover a sucking tick on your skin, you should remove it as quickly as possible to minimize the risk of transmitting pathogens.
If none of these tools are to hand, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends removing the tick with your fingernail if necessary. It is important to disinfect the bite site afterward.
However, if parts of the tick remain in the skin after removal, this is usually not the head but the remains of the biting apparatus.
According to an article by T-online, there is no reason to panic. The body often rejects these foreign bodies on its own. It is not advisable to drill around the area. Instead, you should disinfect the wound, leave it alone, and observe it closely.
If the bite site becomes inflamed and other symptoms, such as swelling, severe itching, or fever, occur, a visit to the doctor is urgently recommended.
The doctor can clean and germ-free any remaining tick parts and treat possible infections. An infection with Lyme disease is insidious and can have serious health consequences.
- source: Bild von Erik Karits auf Pixabay
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