Most of us find still or sparkling water too boring. That’s where delicious lemon water comes in handy to make hydration more fun – and it has many health benefits, too!
Start the day with lemon water
Start your day with warm lemon water (1/2 liter of warm, no longer hot water and the juice of half a lemon) and drink a glass of mineral, soda or tap water with lemon every now and then during the day. Not only does it taste good, lemon juice also has many positive properties for our health and is the detox helper par excellence:
Lemon water fills you up sooner
Lemons contain pectin, a dietary fiber that slows down fat absorption in the body. Pectin is also healthy for the intestines, as the fiber swells up in the gastrointestinal tract and ensures that the feeling of fullness lasts longer.
Lemon water deacidifies
Yes, you read that right. Lemon may taste sour, but in combination with water, it becomes alkaline and stimulates the body’s own alkaline formation. Acids and bases can only be absorbed through food. They neutralize each other. If we are overacidified, our metabolism works more slowly, making it more difficult to lose weight.
Lemon water promotes digestion
The acidity of the lemon helps the stomach digest protein and thus promotes bile production in the liver, which optimizes fat digestion. So, to ensure a good metabolism and balanced digestion, start with a glass of lukewarm lemon water. The natural citric acid and the digestive enzymes stimulate movement in the intestines.
Lemon water strengthens the immune system
Lemons have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They also contain a good amount of vitamin C. This strengthens our immune system.
Lemon water cleanses the kidneys
Because lemon water provides a considerable amount of citrates—and citrates are even said to dissolve kidney stones or prevent new ones—lemons are said to cleanse our kidneys.
Lemon water strengthens the liver
The liver plays a central role in detoxification and gently regulates digestion, especially the liver, by making it easier to digest sugar and fat.
Lemon water hydrates
Because most people like the taste of lemon water better than “normal” water, they tend to drink more, providing our bodies with light but high-quality mineralization.
Lemon water helps you lose weight
Due to its digestive, draining and deacidifying effects, lemon water also helps us lose weight. It is a wonderful weight loss booster with a fresh kick that puts you in a good mood.
If you notice that regular consumption of lemons is not good for you, listen to your body’s signals and avoid it. For people who suffer from reflux disease or are prone to heartburn, lemon water could lead to an increase, even though the lemon is alkaline. All my nutritional recommendations are basically aimed at healthy people. Of course, many healthy people can develop sensitivities, so the following always applies: only do what is good for you.
Take care of your dental health
Even the best miracle cure can have a catch. The catch with too much citric acid is that it can attack tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, dentists recommend taking a few precautions to keep your teeth healthy.
If you like, you can drink your lemon water with a straw, which means your teeth come into much less contact with the citric acid.
However, you shouldn’t brush your teeth after drinking lemon water. However, this is actually very effective in preventing the formation of tooth enamel
Rinse your teeth with water immediately after the lemon. Then you’ll be safe, and your teeth will stay healthy.
I think we can all agree by now: lemon is an all-rounder.
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