If you buy fresh bed linen, you should put it in the washing machine immediately. The reason is that the product may be new, but the factories and stores where they are stored can be dirty. Sometimes, insects, such as beetles or bedbugs, can be found here.
This sometimes happens during production or the packaging process. The chemicals that are often used during production are also harmful. These residues then get caught in the fibres of the sheets. The result: skin irritation.
If you are very sensitive to chemicals, washing newly purchased bed linen twice in a row at the highest possible temperature is best.
How often should bed linen generally be washed?
Every two weeks is recommended. However, it depends on the season. In summer, it is worth washing the sheets more often as you sweat more. Naked sleepers and allergy sufferers should ideally wash their bed linens weekly.
Why is that the case? Infrequent washing causes dirt, dust and impurities to build up in the mattress, upholstery and comforter.
An American laundry expert, Mary Marlowe Leverette, explained in an interview: “The mites’ excretions can cause breathing problems for people with allergies and asthma. However, hot water quickly kills them.” Another problem: skin flakes, sweat and other bodily fluids get into the bed linen. This can transmit fungal diseases, for example.
- source: freizeit.at/picture: Bild von congerdesign auf Pixabay
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