Feast of Our Lady of Manaoag Celebrated at Catholic Chaplaincy in Vienna

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October 6, 2024 — The Feast of Our Lady of Manaoag was celebrated with devotion and community spirit at the Catholic Chaplaincy yesterday, drawing together the faithful in a solemn procession, communal prayer, and Holy Mass.

The event began with a vibrant procession around the church’s vicinity, attended by a large gathering of devotees. Participants prayed the Holy Rosary as they walked, invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag, adorned with flowers and candles, was carried throughout the procession, embodying the deep reverence and dedication of the congregation. The faithful walked together, their voices united in prayer, emphasizing their devotion to Mary and their commitment to fostering community.

Following the procession, a Holy Mass was held, with Fr. Ely Dalanon, the parish chaplain, serving as the main celebrant. The liturgy was marked by a solemn atmosphere as the parishioners gathered to honor Our Lady of Manaoag, whose image is beloved by many as a symbol of hope and intercession. Fr. Dalanon spoke in his homily about the significance of the Blessed Virgin’s role in the lives of the faithful, encouraging everyone to follow Mary’s example of faith, humility, and unwavering trust in God.

The Our Lady of Manaoag choir accompanied the celebration, enhancing the Holy Mass with their inspiring hymns. Their harmonious voices filled the church with peace and joy, adding a deeper spiritual dimension to the proceedings. The choir’s music enriched the solemnity of the celebration, drawing the attendees closer to worship.

The Feast of Our Lady of Manaoag is an important event for many Catholics, particularly those deeply devoted to the Virgin Mary. Known as the “Patroness of the Sick, the Afflicted, and the Helpless,” Our Lady of Manaoag is a figure of comfort and strength, and her feast day is an opportunity for the faithful to express their gratitude and petitions.

The day ended with fellowship among devotees, reflecting the unity that Our Lady of Manaoag inspires in the community. For many, the feast was a chance to reflect on their faith and come together as one family, bound by love and devotion to the Blessed Mother.

The Association of Pangasineneses in Austria and the Filipino Catholic chaplaincy organized the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Manaoag. Before the feast day, the Filipino chaplaincy held a nine-day Novena mass in honor of the Virgin Mary.

  • Hector Pascua, pictures: Mandy Salonga
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