“Orange the World 2024”: A Call to Action Against Gender-Based Violence UNIS, UN Women Austria and Sweden Unite for Change at the United Nations in Vienna

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Vienna, Austria, 25 November 2024 –In a compelling demonstration of global solidarity, the Embassy of Sweden, UN Women Austria, and the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna hosted an impactful three-in-one event in support of the Orange the World Campaign 2024 and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The event, held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and Schwedenhaus, united international experts, advocates, and attendees to address gender-based violence and amplify solutions. Participants were encouraged to wear orange as a sign of solidarity and commitment to the campaign’s mission.

The event opened with remarks from Mr. John Brandolino, Director of UNODC’s Division of Treaty Affairs, and H.E. Annika Markovic, Ambassador of Sweden to Austria and Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna.

The panel featured experts who shared diverse perspectives on tackling gender-based violence:

  • Simon Brezina, Project Manager at White Ribbon, emphasized the importance of involving men and boys as allies in the fight against violence.
  • Helene Gressenbauer-Rösner, President of UN Women Austria, discussed the power of advocacy and civil society in creating systemic change.
  • Nicole Krejci, Managing Director of the Violence Protection Centre Vienna, focused on support for survivors and prevention strategies at the community level.
  • Hanna Sands, UNODC’s Gender Advisor, highlighted the agency’s efforts to address gender-based violence within criminal justice systems.

Moderated by Martin Nesirky, Director of UNIS Vienna, the discussion fostered an engaging exchange of ideas, inspiring participants to drive change in their communities.

Following the insightful panel discussion, participants took to the streets of Vienna for the Orange Run, a 6-kilometer symbolic journey through the city’s heart. The run, held from 16:30 to 17:30, began at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and concluded at the Schwedenhaus.

Participants wearing orange—the campaign’s signature color, representing hope and solidarity—transformed the cityscape into a vibrant display of commitment to ending gender-based violence. This powerful act of unity served as a visible call to action, inspiring onlookers and reinforcing the urgent need for a future free from violence against women and girls. The Orange Run was more than just a physical activity; it was a dynamic statement of purpose, urging the global community to continue the momentum from awareness to action.

The event concluded with a reception at the Schwedenhaus, hosted by Ambassador Markovic, from 17:30 to 19:30. Participants had the opportunity to network with advocates and policymakers, fostering connections and discussions on advancing the fight against gender-based violence.

About Orange the World
The United Nations Secretary-General launched in 2008 the campaign UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence Against Women.  Every year, the UNiTE campaign focuses on a specific theme in support of the global, civil-society-led 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, which kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

From 25 November to 10 December every year, UNiTE calls on people everywhere to wear the colour orange and take action to end violence against women and girls in communities, at home, in public spaces, in schools and workplaces, during conflict and in times of peace.

For more information on the campaign and ways to get involved, visit UN Women or contact the United Nations Information Service Vienna. https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/unite/orange-the-world

#OrangeTheWorld2024 #EndGenderViolence #UNITE

Photos ctto: Ana Maria Langer

About the Author

Maria Zelda “Marizel” Rojas is a Board Member of the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna (UNCAV), Chairperson of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora-Austria (ENFiD-Austria) and a current Board Member of ENFiD, President of the Bikol Society Austria (BSA), 1st Vice President-Elect of the United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG), Founding Member and former President of the Philippine Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES), Adviser and former President of the Vienna International Centre Club Filipino (VIC CF), Auditor for the Vienna International Centre Gastronomy Club (VIC GC), Liaison for the Philippines and Councillor in the European Police Association (EPA), and a member of the Filipina Women’s Network (FWN), which honoured her with the prestigious “Most Influential Filipina Women in the World” (Global FWN100™) award in 2019.

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